
*  (correct name as per sslc book)
* Email used to Register is your Username
* (please enter correct Aadhaar number )
* Password should contain at least one uppercase, one lowercase, one digit, and one special character(only allowed @$!%*? ).Total of at least 8 characters minimum.

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About Samunnathi

Kerala State Welfare Corporation for Forward Communities Ltd. (KSWCFC), established in 8th November 2012, is a Government of Kerala undertaking that works with an objective to promote the comprehensive development and welfare of the economically backward sections of the forward communities in Kerala. Rechristened as Samunnathi, the corporation will give special care for the overall economic development of forward communities with special focus on education, employment and skill development. Kerala is the first state that has set up a welfare corporation for forward caste communities.


  • To apply for Scholarship, Coaching Assistance Schemes students have to complete one time registration using the window shown on the left side.
  • Application for scholarship can be submitted after completing the profile by logging in with the username (Your email id) and password received on the registered mobile number while the onetime registration.
  • Documents to be uploaded should be in pdf or jpg format between 60 KB and 150 KB.
  • Read the guidelines carefully for more details.

  • Guidelines & Institution Certificate